CoreOS Installation

Installation on CoreOS is pretty straight forward. You will basically will follow the Quick Installation.

Run in Docker

The key things to note is that you must run Cattle in Docker, you’re not going to install Java is CoreOS. Specifically, you are going to be starting the Cattle management server as follows

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 cattle/server

Adding a Server

When registering a server you need to specify that the user will be the core user and not the root user.

Don’t put the SSH key in /home/core/.ssh/authorized_keys because that file may later be clobbered by update-ssh-keys used in CoreOS. Instead use the update-ssh-keys script to register the key. Additionally, when adding the agent you need specify the core user also. Run the below commands instead of the commands in the Quick Installation.

curl -s http://<HOST:PORT>/v1/authorized_keys | update-ssh-keys -A cattle
curl -X POST http://<HOST:PORT>/v1/agents -F user=core